
BSAT 100

Personality Profiles and Your Career Preferences

Now that you have completed the two personal preferences inventories, Meyers-Briggs and Hermann Brain Dominance, think about what you found out about yourself. Use the space on this page to describe what sorts of job or work situations you would feel comfortable and uncomfortable with. What the job title would be or the type of company you might work for is not important. What we want you to focus on is your personal preferences for what the job would require you to do, how you would relate or not relate to people, the kinds of problems you would enjoy working on and your preferred approach to finding solution, etc. It will be OK to give both positive, AI would like . . .@ and negative, A I would not like to have to . . .@ in what you describe. Both may be very important to you. If they are, put both sides down in your ideas.